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[History Channel] UFO Files - Britain's Roswell.mpg
Video > TV shows
445.99 MB

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Dec 18, 2005

Britain's Roswell.

Over three nights in December 1980, Air Force personnel stationed at a NATO installation in England witness strange lights in the sky above the RAF 

Bentwaters and Woodbridge bases. On the night of the 25th, when servicemen spot a glowing object in the woods, they investigate and come upon a triangular 

metallic craft. One of them touches it and records strange etchings in his notebook. It shoots above the treetops and the men are later found in a daze by 

other troops. Two nights later, the Deputy Base Commander and a team investigating the alleged site see lights over a field beyond the woods and a red 

object. It speeds off, beaming lights over the bases. Some witnesses allege use of force and sodium pentothal during interrogation. A memorandum issued by 

the Deputy Base Commander, which records some statements, is later released via the Freedom of Information Act. More files are released in 2002 but, to this 

day, the events remain a mystery. We'll try to unravel it